Southerton Industrial Property

$1 500 000

Southerton Industrial Property

Located on Highfield Road, a major access road in the popular and well established Southerton industrial area. Two trunk roads ie Simon Mazorodze, leading south to Masvingo, and the Bulawayo Road, heading westwards, are within easy access.

A single storey industrial precinct offering substantial workspace. Though currently used as workshops, it has requisite internal height clearance for use as warehousing. More than adequate roof lighting is provided via the sawtooth roof design. At the front of the workshops is a single storey administration office section offering several brick partitioned offices and ladies and gents toilets.

The land area is 4 981 square metres                                                                           


Building Areas (Square metres)

Workshops                                            2448                                 


Admin Offices                                         209                                     

Rear Shed                                               111





Price : $1 500 000
Purpose : Sell
Status : Available
Country : Zimbabwe
Address : Southerton, HARARE

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